Author: warmbee
The photographer integrity

In a world where the image is more and more a fake, and the artificial intelligence allow to lead us into images that seem true, the photographer has to take a stance: Either, he creates elaborate image, which shout to the reader; ‘look at me, I am a fake, but I am an arwork” […]
Product Design: Why Designers Can Do It – And Should

Our time and our industry like to categorize people as specialists. It’s an evolutionary process that’s been going on both on the creative side and the project management side for the last 30 years. Clients no longer hire just an interior designer and an architect. They frequently bring on board experts in brand […]
Éthique du photographe

La photographie témoigne des émotions et de l’imagination du photographe – une transformation-réinterprétation de la réalité. Chaque image, de manière infime, va être transformée par la perception de la personne la regardant. Un photographe se contente d’enregistrer ce moment: il lui est personnel, puis devient personnel à quelqu’un d’autre quand la photo est contemplée. […]